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Webinar: Applied Requirements Engineering: Getting the best out of your RE Process

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Requirements Engineers and Business Analysts have to deal with a wide variety of products to be developed. At one end of the scale, we have small office applications used in a single company by a limited number of users to produce invoices etc., while at the other end we have complex socio-technical systems such as autonomous vehicles with millions of potential users, developed for a mass market. Regardless of the product to be developed, the availability of stakeholders or the given organizational/development processes, Requirements Engineering must ensure that the needs of stakeholders are satisfied by the final product - which often proves to be a challenge. The goal of this webinar is to understand that Requirements Engineering itself is product and process agnostic. However, the Requirements Engineer or Business Analyst must be able to tailor the RE process to the given conditions. When attending this webinar, you will:

  • Understand which factors influence your RE process
  • Learn how to tailor the RE process to a given situation
  • Learn how to select the most appropriate RE work products

We look forward to welcoming you to this event! 

** Eligible for PDUs, CDUs. ** 

FEATURED SPEAKER Stan Bühne, Managing Director IREB GmbH Stan Bühne is the Vice Managing Director of IREB GmbH. Stan has 15 years of experience in requirements engineering, business analysis and project management. Before joining IREB he worked for different Consulting companies and was responsible for various IT and transformation projects.


Download slides -> Slides: Applied Requirements Engineering: Getting the best out of your RE Process

Download video ->  Applied Requirements Engineering: Getting the best out of your RE Process



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