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Webinar: Applied Requirements Engineering: How to increase project success in any project setting

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Key Message: Requirements Engineering (RE) skills are massively underestimated in many projects

  • Today, software development must cope with multiple challenges:Increased complexity of system and environment
  • New competitors that arrive in the digital market space
  • Limited time-to-market for new products
  • Stretched IT/ project budgets 

Consequently, companies may switch to adaptive/agile approaches to address these challenges. In the transformation phase from plan-driven to adaptive/agile approaches, they are often tempted to save time and effort when it comes to requirements elicitation, analysis and documentation. This often results in software that does not meet user expectations at all. 

The reasons are unclear requirements at all stages of development: 

  • Designers and developers who do not know the actual needs and requirements
  • Testers who cannot validate the solution due to missing requirements
  • Product owners who have lost the overview of existing software capabilities 

Even in an adaptive/agile world, requirements still need to be elicited, understood, documented, consolidated and managed – though perhaps to a lesser extent than in classical, plan-driven approaches. 

When attending the webinar, you will: 

  • Understand the fundamental principles of RE.
  • Learn how RE makes the difference in your projects. 
  • Learn how to find the best fitting RE approach for your project setup. 

** Eligible for PDUs, CDUs. ** 

Stan Bühne, Vice Managing Director

Stan Bühne is the Vice Managing Director of IREB GmbH. Stan has 15 years of experience in requirements engineering, business analysis and project management. Before joining IREB he worked for different Consulting companies and was responsible for various IT and transformation projects.

FEATURED SPONSOR: IREB - International Requirements Engineering Board

Download slides  Applied Requirements Engineering: How to increase project success in any project setting

Download Video  Applied Requirements Engineering: How to increase project success in any project setting


PDU & CDU Information: PDUs & CDUs for Modern Analyst Webinars

By MurielS @ Thursday, June 25, 2020 10:44 AM
Great presentation Stan! I've been in the BA/RE practice area for +30 years and it was refreshing to have a revisit to common-sense RE/RM. I always say, if you don't have a recipe your chance of successfully preparing the dish is slim...result? unhappy customer :-(


By TraceBA1 @ Thursday, December 3, 2020 6:47 PM
Excellent presentation Stan,

Has the updated syllabus version mentioned on the call reflected in the study guide ?

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