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Webinar: Why You Need a Business Glossary Now: Connecting Data to the Language of the Business

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Effective alignment between the data captured by the business and the language used by the business is a key to business success. A term may have different meanings for different people based on the context or the interpretation. Misunderstandings caused by incorrect interpretation of business data increase the risk of expensive errors and expose huge business risks. Having a Business Glossary can help to minimize the potential for misinterpretation.

This event will show you how can jump-start the Business Glossary initiative using a template approach. You can save time and money in developing an effective Business Glossary that provides clarification, structure, and content, via a Universal Business Glossary.

In this presentation, we will show how a Business Analyst can begin a Business Glossary initiative through:

  • Implementing best practices for defining terms
  • Jump-starting the glossary initiative using templates
  • Leveraging universal domains 
  • Connecting the Business Glossary with the Data Dictionary 
  • Managing terms and definitions 
  • Understanding the governance required to ensure the longevity of the Business Glossary program
** Eligible for PDUs, CDUs. ** 


Len Silverston, President, Universal Data Models, LLC

Jeffrey Giles, 
Principal Architect, Sandhill Consultants


Robert Lutton, Vice President, Sandhill Consultants

FEATURED SPONSOR: Sandhill Consultants

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