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Webinar: Digital Design – Thinking beyond Requirements Engineering

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This talk introduces:

  • The new role of the Digital Design Professional
  • The reason for its emergence within Requirements Engineering industry, and
  • IREB’s new certification scheme to enter this new profession.

The possibilities of digital technology enable innovative services and all-new business models and thus lead to comprehensive and disruptive changes in the economy and society. Digital transformation is an umbrella term for this development.

Previously, analytical skills were particularly important in order to understand existing systems, companies and business processes. This understanding was the prerequisite to support and improve them with the help of digital technologies. Digital transformation is different because there is no reference point for analysis. The growing popularity of Design Thinking is the first sign of this development.
Due to the increasing technical possibilities (e.g. artificial intelligence, blockchain….) we have to complement our analysis focus with a design focus. New roles and methods are far from sufficient to meet these challenges. We need an entirely new profession: The Digital Design Professional.

Only in this way can Requirements Engineering and Business Analysis become an industry that is positioned to proactively design innovative digital solutions together with our stakeholders and under consideration of the new technical possibilities. 

Featured Speaker:  Kim Lauenroth 
Kim Lauenroth is first chair of the International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB) e.V., and chief requirements engineer at adesso AG, one of the leading IT providers in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Kim has over 15 years of experience in software and requirements engineering in different domains and in various roles including requirements engineer, project manager, and consultant. As first chair of the IREB, he is responsible for the overall strategy and long-term development of the IREB. As chief requirements engineer, he is responsible for the overall quality of RE methods in his company and helps his customers to develop effective and pragmatic methodological cultures for software development. Kim received his PhD in the field of requirements engineering and studied computer science, business administration and psychology. 

Featured Sponsor: IREB - International Requirements Engineering Board

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By flesner176be @ Friday, February 11, 2022 6:21 AM
Only in this way can Requirements Engineering and Business Analysis become an industry that is positioned to proactively design innovative digital solutions together with our stakeholders and under consideration of the new technical possibilities.

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