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Webinar: Not Your Mama's Acceptance Criteria: A Product Owner's Guide to Writing Excellent User Stories

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High quality agile requirements are more than just user stories. They are visual models, testable acceptance criteria, and the result of collaborative facilitated sessions with your stakeholders and team. Given, When, Then (or Gherkin language) is an effective style for documenting acceptance criteria, particularly in support of teams engaged in behavior driven development processes. 

In this interactive workshop, we will talk about what it takes to get to a “good” user story, by starting with visual models that help identify and prioritize the right user stories, and using proven techniques to elaborate them into solid functional requirements in the Gherkin format (that could be consumed by automation tools like Cucumber!).

We will take a real-world example from idea to “ready” requirement, so you can walk away from this session with hands on experience at writing better stories.
** Eligible for PDUs, CDUs. ** 

Candase Hokanson, Senior Project Manger
Candase is a Senior Product Manager at Seilevel and a PMI-Agile Certified Practitioner who trains and coaches product owners, scrum masters and business analysts on agile approaches as well as championing products in those roles for clients. She works with teams to unite every team member around the common end goal of delivered business value to save up to millions of dollars in development costs for features that won’t be used or that don’t contribute to the anticipated business value. She also works with clients to help scale their agile practices beyond one team or one pilot to the entire organization.

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PDU & CDU Information: PDUs & CDUs for Modern Analyst Webinars

By Lisa L 01 @ Thursday, October 3, 2019 10:38 AM
Well done. One of the best I have seen.

By nick tibbels @ Tuesday, November 19, 2019 5:30 AM
This is amazing. The cookie example brings it life, even for a Brit like me, (I had to google Chapter)

I am trying to adopt this model within our organisation.

By Margie Bender @ Wednesday, March 11, 2020 6:36 PM
Very good webinar, the slides are some of the best I have seen related to user story creation and refinement. However, the audio significantly degraded at about the 22 minute mark and it was a challenge to understand the speaker at times. It would be best if she rerecorded it with much better microphone and/or recording environment.

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