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Webinar: From Requirements Analyst to Benefit Analyst

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Based on Mark Monteleone's popular article “The Elevator Speech…….for the BA”, this webinar kicks off with a business analyst meeting an executive on an elevator and being asked, “So what are you working on these days?” Unfortunately, the business analyst responds by citing solution requirements, disregarding the real interest of the executive being business benefits. Don't make the same mistake!

In this webinar, Mark focuses on understanding all the components of business analysis and provides insight on why business analysts need to expand their skills beyond the elicitation of requirements to include benefits management skills. With the use of mind maps, Mark touches upon a number of topics including: 
  • Strategic Analysis
  • Enterprise Analysis
  • Benefits Management
  • Financial Analysis
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis Benefits Mapping

    ** Eligible for PDUs, CDUs. ** 

    Mark Monteleone, CBAP/PMP
    Independent Consultant

    With over 40 years of experience, Mark Monteleone is an independent consultant and author of “The 20 Minute Business Analyst: a collection of short articles, humorous stories and quick reference cards for the busy analyst.” He has also written several articles in Modern Analyst, BA Times, BA Connection, International Association of Facilitators (IAF), and Global Flipchart. Mark instructs courses on business analysis and project management plus consults on business applications and projects in more than 35 countries.


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