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Webinar: Software Requirements: 10 Traps to Avoid

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Successful software projects are built on a foundation of well-understood requirements. However, many development organizations get caught in traps that prevent them from effectively collecting, documenting, or managing their requirements. This presentation describes ten typical requirements problems that can sabotage your project. Several symptoms that indicate you might be getting caught in each trap are presented, along with suggestions for avoiding or escaping from the trap. 

The requirements traps discussed are: 

  • Confusion about what a requirement is 
  • Inadequate customer involvement 
  • Vague and ambiguous requirements 
  • Unprioritized requirements 
  • Building functionality no one uses 
  • Analysis paralysis 
  • Scope creep 
  • Inadequate requirements change process
  • Insufficient change impact analysis 
  • Inadequate requirements version control 
** Eligible for PDUs, CDUs. ** 

Karl E. Wiegers, Principal Consultant
Process Impact 

Karl E. Wiegers has provided training and consulting services worldwide on many aspects of software development, management and process improvement. Prior to starting Process Impact in 1997, Karl spent 18 years at Eastman Kodak Company in a variety of roles. Karl is the author of many books including: Software Requirements & More About Software Requirements.


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