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Webinar: Building Business Solutions: BAs Lead the Way to Business Excellence

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The bottom line for successful business analysis is delivering outstanding products to business partners, ones that ‘win’ for the business. What does creating a winning business solution require? What artifacts do you need? How can you develop them? One essential artifact is business rules, key to agile business solutions. 

Find out in this fast-paced session what business rules are really about, and how they can sharpen your interaction with both business partners and software developers. Learn about practical techniques to capture and validate business rules in concert with your other deliverables. Business analysis with business rules can give you the edge you’re looking for in establishing the right project dynamics, and the right focus on business requirements. 

Find out how you can develop effective, adaptable and complete business solutions using a business rules approach. Learn what you need to know to: 
• Achieve order-of-magnitude improvements in business requirements 
• Use business rules to sharpen business communication 
• Deliver clear, well-aligned business solutions 
• Engage business partners in deep dialog about operational excellence 
• Guarantee system development produces the right results for the business

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Gladys S.W. Lam
Co-Founder and Principal, Business Rule Solutions, LLC
Publisher, BRCommunity.com

Gladys S.W. Lam is a world-renowned authority on applied business rule and decision techniques. She is Principal and Co-Founder of Business Rule Solutions, LLC (www.BRSolutions.com), the most recognized company world-wide in business rules and decision analysis. Ms. Lam is co-creator of IPSpeakTM, the BRS methodology. She is Co-Founder of BRCommunity.com, a vertical community for professionals and home of Business Rules Journal. She co-authored Building Business Solutions: Business Analysis with Business Rules, with Ronald G. Ross, an IIBA® sponsored handbook on business analysis with business rules. Ms. Lam is widely known for her lively, pragmatic style. Ms. Lam is an internationally recognized expert on business rules and decision techniques. She speaks worldwide at conferences and other professional events. She co-presents interactive online seminars. She is also Executive Director of the Building Business Capability (BBC) Conference, which includes the Business Rules and Decisions Forum and is the official conference of the IIBA®. 

FEATURED SPONSOR: Building Business Capability

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