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Webinar: Managing Change with Living Models: Introducing Decision Management Powered by Decision Modeling

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In this webinar we will explore Decision Modeling for analysts with TDM (The Decision Model) and DMN (Decision Model and Notation):

  • Len Silverston (best-selling author), stated that The Decision Model “…provides a framework and model that takes our field to the next level.” Today, this prediction has come true.
  • The Object Management Group’s Decision Model and Notation specification (DMN) established decision modeling as a legitimate practice, ushering in a missing software market.
  • The IIBA has recognized the need for decision modeling.

    This webinar covers this new direction:
  • Starts with three kinds of change for which decision models are appropriate: regulatory requirements, operational decisions, and transformational business change.
  • Explains why decision modeling is more than a missing discipline and shows how decision models become living, managed business assets, not stagnant requirements documentation.
  • Explores TDM and DMN including cases studies confirming that decision modeling, integrated into a redefined change framework delivers highest quality business change in less time.
    ** Eligible for PDUs, CDUs. ** 

Barbara von Halle
Co-inventor of The Decision Model, The Event Model, and co-author of The Decision Model

Barbara von Halle is the co-inventor  of The Decision Model, The Event Model, and co-author of The Decision Model: A Business Logic Framework Linking Business and Technology published by Taylor and Francis LLC 2009.  The fifth recipient of the Outstanding Individual Achievement Award from International DAMA, she was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1995. Her earlier book, Business Rules Applied (Wiley) was a Jolt Award finalist from Software Development Magazine.  And her first book, Handbook of Relational Database Design, continues to be a standard reference in database design.  She was the most popular columnist in the leading publication, Database Programming and Design magazine for over five years.

She began her career in data management, consulting to major corporations on enterprise data architecture.  She subsequently started Knowledge Partners Inc (data management) which evolved into Knowledge Partners International (business rules and decision modeling).  She holds a BA degree in Mathematics from Fordham University and was valedictorian.  She earned an MS degree in Computer Science from Stevens Institute of Technology.  She can be reached at [email protected]

Kramer Reeves
VP Product Marketing 

Kramer has 20 years of experience in the enterprise software industry leading global product, marketing, strategy and channel organizations.  He is currently Vice President of Product Marketing at Sapiens DECISION where he sets the vision, portfolio strategy and go-to-market plans for the company.  Previously, he held numerous executive and management positions at IBM, including Director of Product Management for Enterprise Social Solutions, and Director of Global Marketing for IBM's Business Process Solutions portfolio.


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