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Webinar: 7 Agile Best Practices for BA's

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In today's hyper-competitive environment, innovation and time to market are the key tenants for success. While software in applications and embedded systems is emerging as the primary agent for innovation, it is also adding complexity. In parallel, Agile has proven to shorten product delivery, but comes with its own set of challenges.

Industry best practices have shown that the key to successfully managing the complexity of today’s development lifecycle is to empower all stakeholders with access to information and functionality they need in their role real-time. Tying all players together with one unifying development environment further accelerates collaboration.

Join Us for this webinar to gain detailed insight on how leading organizations have been able to address the changing realities of modern software development, and learn about actionable tactics to achieve product success. The following topics will be explored:

— transparent, real-time collaboration
— contextual testing and risk assessment
— intelligent change management
— centralized reuse and variant management
— comprehensive traceability and impact analysis

Sign up today to learn how you can benefit from the use of a unified tools that allows your team to directly connect development efforts with the underlying business requirements so the inevitable change arising during the product lifecycle can be managed in context and with access to real-time feedback. See how a unified and highly transparent approach to software development can accelerate your innovation and time to market momentum while protecting the integrity of your products.

** Eligible for PDUs, CDUs. ** 

Jiri Walek, Vice President, Product Management, Polarion Software
Clara Cismaru, Product Manager, Polarion Software

FEATURED SPONSOR: Polarion Software

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