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Webinar: Models for Data Requirements

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Many analysts think that “data modeling” means designing databases and technical data models. Business users have no capability of creating and consuming that level of technical design, but they very much do care about their business data requirements. They can describe how the data is used to make business decisions and how they want to see it processed by the system.

This webinar will introduce a set of requirements models for data that help describe the relationship of data in the system, details about fields, how data is used to make decisions, and how data is processed by the system. We’ll describe how the models can be used together from top to bottom to create a complete picture of the data needs and how they integrate to other requirements models to fully round out the requirements. 

** Eligible for PDUs, CDUs. ** 

Joy Beatty, VP

Joy Beatty is a VP at Seilevel, a BA consulting company that redefines the way people create software requirements. Joy has provided mentoring and training to thousands of business analysts and is CBAP® certified. She is on the IIBA® team developing version 3 of the BABOK®. She writes about requirements methodologies in journals, white papers, and blogs. She co-authored Visual Models for Software Requirements with Anthony Chen, and Software Requirements, 3rd Edition with Karl Wiegers.


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PDU & CDU Information: PDUs & CDUs for Modern Analyst Webinars

By Prab @ Thursday, December 3, 2015 12:01 PM
Excellent webinar. Whether you are new to modelling or just wantt to brush up on this topic.

By Mark @ Saturday, September 24, 2016 11:03 AM
Good overview on a subject that is not covered enough. I will use this at work tomorrow.

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