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Webinar: Evolve Your Definition of Traceability

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Although the purpose of traceability may seem straight forward—to control change and track coverage—it’s much more than that. In the age of modern product delivery, innovative teams are using traceability to streamline communication and improve organization alignment to deliver products with fewer challenges.

Of course you’re all for organizational efficiency, but how does it impact you and your work? What if you could ensure you were having the right conversations with the right people rather than wasting time trying to identify—and track down—who needs to know what? What about immediately knowing the impact of your decisions so you can prioritize and keep your work tightly connected to the core business value you need to deliver?

Join us for an opportunity to rethink traditional traceability and learn how to provide critical information and context faster. Your projects are complex—these tips help save time and simplify how you manage the countless decisions and pieces of information you need to track to deliver great products.

** Eligible for PDUs, CDUs. **

Laura Ward Strategic Customer Success Manager
Jama Software

Steve Fasano
Solutions Architect
Jama Software


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