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Webinar: Collaborative Requirements for BAs: Keeping Future Projects on Track

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As a Business Analyst or Project Manager, you are on the front lines of bringing products to market that build value for your business. If you’re like most BAs, however, you spend too much time reporting status, explaining context and tracking decisions. In this session, learn tips and tools to help you keep your teams aligned, provide better visibility and maintain a continuous feedback loop so you can spend less time reporting and more time innovating.

What You’ll Learn:

1. How to identify the extended collaboration circle of product delivery in your organization. Who are the personas, both upstream and downstream, with a voice on your project? Beyond your team of peers and managers, are you in sync with customers? With your development and QA teams?

2. The importance of bridging the gap among different personas so you can streamline your work and run projects more efficiently. You’ll gain valuable tips for eliciting, validating, approving requirements and project details, as well as ideas for more continuous feedback loops to minimize the impact of change.

3. How to use modern requirements management tools to keep everyone in the collaboration circle looped in on all the key discussion, decisions and input about the product delivery process. You’ll be confident in your ability to meet expectations when they are all clearly communicated and agreed upon.

By bringing in your stakeholders early and often, you can slay the productivity-killing monsters that wreak havoc on your job, such as:.

  • The 11th hour swoop-in. Don’t you love when an executive comes to you at the last minute with some critical feedback you asked for weeks ago
  • Decision recollection disorder. Isn’t it fun to revisit decisions months later? Don’t you love trying to prove who decided what, when and why, even six months after the fact?
  • CYA Syndrome. Can you trace the final feature set back to the original business objective? No? Can you explain why?
  • The Missing Vault. Remember that one person who knew everything? Who left the company? How can you tap into all that intelligence?
  • Mismatched expectations. Ever had a product you drove met with a resounding “meh.”? Or find out after the fact that so and so was expecting x, y, and z instead of q, r, s.
  • Missing pieces. Does everyone on your team even know enough about what your product actually does to make sound decisions on the fly?

** Eligible for PDUs, CDUs. **

Will French
Solutions Architect Team Lead
Jama Software

Will French runs the Solutions Architect team at Jama Software, where he works closely with business analysts to provide strong technical recommendations and end-to-end requirements solutions. He has a technical background in software engineering and enterprise collaboration software. Will is passionate about the value of generating richer conversations and the merits of collaboration.


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PDU & CDU Information: PDUs & CDUs for Modern Analyst Webinars

By Glenda @ Monday, September 1, 2014 4:52 PM
Very good information

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