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Webinar: The Use Case Technique: An Overview

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Use cases are an effective and widely used technique for eliciting software requirements. The usage-centric approach focuses on the goals that users have with a system, rather than emphasizing system functionality. This webinar presents an overview of the use-case approach to requirements elicitation in a practical and straightforward fashion.

Topics covered include:
• Where use cases fit into the requirements development process
• Types of projects for which use cases are and are not well suited
• Use cases and agile user stories
• User classes and actors
• Scenarios and use cases
• Components of a use case
• Deriving functional requirements from use cases

** Eligible for PDUs, CDUs. **

Karl E. Wiegers
Principal Consultant
Process Impact

Karl E. Wiegers has provided training and consulting services worldwide on many aspects of software development, management and process improvement. Prior to starting Process Impact in 1997, Karl spent 18 years at Eastman Kodak Company in a variety of roles. Karl is the author of many books including: Software Requirements & More About Software Requirements.

FEATURED SPONSOR: Corporate Education Group <

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PDU & CDU Information: PDUs & CDUs for Modern Analyst Webinars

By verankki @ Wednesday, January 29, 2014 1:53 PM
Presented excellent information regarding Use cases.

By Latherton @ Friday, January 31, 2014 4:56 AM
thought the presentation was easy to follow, well explained and thorough for the time that we had.

Please could you tell me how we get the slide pack? I followed the link but cant see an option for it.

Thank you

By Lisa K. @ Friday, January 31, 2014 10:18 AM
I missed the presentation, but was directed to come here for the archived webinar and the slides - but I don't see them.

By Adrian M. @ Friday, January 31, 2014 11:53 AM
The recording and slides have now been posted. Enjoy! It is a great webinar indeed!

By T Walker @ Thursday, June 12, 2014 4:38 PM
This is a great webinar! It helped me think of uses cases as more approachable and productive than I previously thought. Thank you.

By mgalvin @ Thursday, October 9, 2014 4:40 PM
This webinar provides more detail than just explaining the concept of use cases by giving real practical examples.

By Putcha @ Wednesday, December 10, 2014 7:45 AM
Hair Karl: I am a fan of your publications / blogs / Webinars. I have bought your book Software Requirements 2nd Edition and liked / used many parts of it.

I have watched this webinar up to 20 where you defined UC. I particularly like / appreciate the following:

1: Hierarchy of Business Requirements, User Requirements and Functional Requirements and how Business Rules (vision, mission, policies etc) relate to them.
2 Your description of UC as a DIALOG between the SuD and Actor (I have reversed the order here because that's how a SuD can be developed but NOT the other way--will discuss later). That is more accurate description of UC than the popular "User Actions and System Responses" because UC does not and cannot describe the User Actions --- we only know the messages from User which are communicated to the SuD.

3: Derive Functional Requirements and Tests: Yes, they are the deliverables of UC modeling which the developers and testers can use without having to generate them from other forms of requirements.

4: Importance of UseCase GOAL. Yes, this is very important but is NOT highlighted well enough in UML. Also, the goal has to be comprehensive to state what to achieve and "what to avoid". Such a goal defines the scope of a UC and associate other UCs.

5: Good of you to point out that to achieve some goals other Actors and background systems may have to be used. This is valid and flows from 4. However a UC can only have one Actor associated with it and the UseCase must be terminated with an intermediate goal if there is a dependency on another External Actor.

I invite you to see my PPTs and PDFs on slideshare and let me know your views. I would be delighted if you find them worth referring to in your presentations / publications / webinars


There are more PPTs and PDFs on slideshare but I do not wish to give all the links here.

Thanks and regards,

[email protected] 10DEC14

By Putcha @ Wednesday, December 10, 2014 7:50 AM
Sorry it is NOT *hair I*t is "hai" or "hi"


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