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Webinar: How to use Sociocracy to Improve Collaboration and Expand Agile Practices

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Decades since the early implementation of incremental software development methods, Agile has taken the software industry by storm. Not surprising given that it promotes development, teamwork, collaboration, and process adaptability throughout the entire life cycle of a project.

But problems and confusion continue to exist leading some to claim that Agile is either not scalable or worse it doesn't work at all. A few of the issues are:

• Senior management struggles to understand what is happening within their Agile teams resulting in unintentional interference and bureaucracy that frustrates and slows teams down

• Agile's focus on the implementation stage skips an important creative process that occurs outside of prototyping or working software

• Too much focus on Agile methodologies has resulted in a loss of the human aspect

• Agile has failed to incorporate the organization as a whole and continues to struggle in finding the balance between agility and accountability

To avoid these issues successful Agile projects require organization-wide Sociocracy to create a structure that involves all members throughout the organization “in the flow” in decision-making, while producing a strong, transparent, efficient decision-making structure.

Join Derwyn Harris, Solutions Architect and Co-Founder at Jama Software, as he shares how to use tools, language, process, and Sociocracy to improve and expand Agile practices in an organization. This will be a great webinar for all levels of management and practitioners alike.


Derwyn Harris

Solutions Architect

Jama Software


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