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Webinar: Master BI: Becoming a Business Intelligence Guru with Toad

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“Business intelligence,” “data warehouse,” or “big data” – are these buzzwords swimming through your organization, each with multiple definitions, owners, and requirements? In this educational session, you’ll discover the easiest way to gain control over, and benefit from, your changing data landscape.

You’ll learn how connecting these new data environments with a turnkey solution that adds on to your current strategic data environment will make you the go-to business intelligence expert at your organization. We’ll show you how one customer used the Toad BI Suite – a solution that sits alongside information infrastructures– to provide their organization with mission-critical information, while leveraging and capitalizing on their existing investments. The Toad BI Suite gave them the ability to integrate environments, which allowed them to rapidly share and distribute data for all different uses in a safe, governed manner.

We’ll also explore how the Toad BI Suite and its Toad Decision Point component enable self-service data integration to bridge the gap between IT and analysts. You’ll see how this powerful, yet simple-to-use, toolset empowers business users to quickly and easily understand their organization’s metrics and KPIS. This frees up IT to focus on other critical tasks with the confidence of knowing data governance standards are being upheld. Don’t miss this chance to learn about Toad solutions that will complement your existing investments and enable faster,better, and more confident decision making.  

 60 minute presentation and interactive question and answer session.


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By Tom Miller, CSPO @ Monday, July 23, 2012 12:07 AM
Fascinating. I didn't realize that TOAD even had a BI suite:) I wonder how it compares to using MS Access GUI to link to assorted data and do the data transformations and then export to Excel for the really heavy quantitative analysis. Got a book I am working through.

I think the eastern time should be 11:30am not pm.

By dstinson @ Friday, July 26, 2013 9:09 AM
Will you be posting the slides?

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