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Webinar: Using Visio® 2010 and SharePoint® 2010 for Process Management: Practical Tips and Customer Examples

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Microsoft Visio 2010 and SharePoint 2010 offer powerful, easy new ways to model, manage and monitor business processes.  This webcast will focus on how to get the most out the new capabilities.  We’ll spend the webcast showing the new features and talking about how customers are already using them to improve their processes.  Customer examples will include Microsoft, TECO Energy (a Florida utility), The Austrian Ministry of the Interior and John Holland, an Australian engineering services and construction firm.

We’ll structure the webcast around a business process maturity model for Visio and SharePoint.  The goal is to make the webcast useful for attendees in organizations of varying business process maturities and to give you practical tips you can apply immediately.

1. Moving from sticky notes to process documents: how to save time documenting process models

2. Standardizing process notation and attributes: how to use the new BPMN template, how to standardize process attributes and how to validate process maps against business rules

3. Automating human and document centric: how to use Visio to model SharePoint workflows and execute and visualize them in SharePoint 2010 without any coding

4. Using Visio to monitor your business processes: how to connect Visio process models to external data and use them as dashboards in SharePoint 2010

Attendees will receive a link to 3 free white papers and sample templates for using Visio 2010 to improve business processes, compliance and quality.


Chris Crane

Director of Microsoft Visio

Microsoft Corporation

Chris Crane is the Director of Microsoft Visio and is responsible for product management, marketing and overall business direction of Microsoft Visio. In this role, he works closely with customers, partners, Microsoft subsidiary sales and marketing professionals around the world, and Visio engineering team. Prior to his current role, he was Director of Pricing and Licensing for the Microsoft Information Worker business and Senior Product Manager in the Microsoft Windows business. In addition to his eight years of Microsoft experience, Chris also brings several years of high tech business experience, including living in Singapore and running Asia Pacific, Japan and Greater China for a Seattle software company. He holds a BA in history from Bowdoin College and a MALD in international economics and business from the Fletcher School at Tufts University.

DURATION: 60 minute presentation and interactive question and answer session.


Access webinar ->  Webinar: Using Visio® 2010 and SharePoint® 2010 for Process Management: Practical Tips and Customer Examples

Download slides -> Slides: Using Visio® 2010 and SharePoint® 2010 for Process Management: Practical Tips and Customer Examples

Free White Papers -> Free Business Process downloads for Modern Analyst Webinar Attendees

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