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Webinar: Leveraging Software Visualization to Elicit, Validate and Communicate Requirements

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It is no secret in the IT sector that bad requirements are at the heart of high failure rates for software development projects. Unfortunately, the logical – and unfair – conclusion is that those who are responsible for defining and communicating those requirements should shoulder the blame for their shortcomings. The unacknowledged fact is that the fault does not lie with the people involved, but rather with methods and processes that fail to confront the reality of our limited human capacity to communicate complex ideas with only text and abstract models.

Ironically, many software development roles – architect, engineer, developer – are derived from other fields that learned this lesson long ago. No architect or developer would dream of constructing a building without blueprints, for example, nor would an engineer design an airplane without visual mockups and simulations to test the design and guide production. Many business applications rival these structures in their complexity, so why do we insist on building without visualizing first?

Fortunately, a growing number of companies have seen the light, and are currently enjoying enormous gains in the value of their development dollars as they implement software visualization as a core component of their requirements definition process. In turn, the role of business analysts in these organizations becomes increasingly important as they are tasked with transforming ambiguous business requirements into crystal-clear simulations that enable tighter feedback loops and faster iterations, and ultimately provide developers with a near-perfect roadmap to meeting the project’s objectives.

This webinar will answer the following questions:

• What is software visualization?

• Why should business analysts care about visualization?

• How does visualization work in successful implementations?

• How easy is it to learn visualization methods?

• When is visualization applied in a typical SDLC?

• What is the typical process for BAs who use visualization?

• What are three best practices for getting started with visualization?

• How does the iRise requirements definition platform enable visualization?

All attendees will receive a copy of ‘Visualize First - How the Best Business Analysts Work Smarter’ White Paper. 


Steve Wilhite has over a decade of experience in instructional systems design and technical communications. In his role as Senior Technical Curriculum Developer for iRise, he is responsible for the technology component of their customer education programs, as well as core product documentation. As a longtime proponent of simulation in all of its forms as a learning tool, and a frustrated former member of several software development project teams, Steve was a natural fit for the visualization paradigm iRise brings to bear. Steve has a M.A. in English and received a Graduate Certificate in Instructional Systems Technology from Indiana University, Bloomington.

Guillermo Hernandez is a consultant within the iRise Professional Services Group. He works with a global client base helping customers use and generate value from iRise products. Prior to joining iRise Guillermo worked as a Systems Integration Consultant with key roles as a Business Analyst and Product Manager. In these roles he helped clients across various sectors including High Tech (Internet Marketing and Advertising Technology), Energy (Commodities Trading and Portfolio Management Solutions) and Federal Government define innovative and scalable product solutions. Guillermo earned a B.S. in Computer Engineering from Iowa State University and is currently pursuing a M.S. in Human Computer Interaction.

DURATION: 60 minute presentation and interactive question and answer session.


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