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Webinar: Stress-free SQL Queries for the Analyst

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Being a data detective starts with writing SQL queries. But that’s often a formidable task for many data professionals, including analysts. Learn how to take the drama out of query writing with the first in Quest Software’s Data Detective Webinar series: “Stress-free SQL Queries for the Analyst”.

Find out how to overcome common querying challenges with:
* Visual query building
* SQL editing tools
* Heterogeneous querying capabilities
* Automation and scheduling of frequent queries

Ben Boise
Systems Consultant
Quest Software

Ben Boise has been with Quest Software since June 2007 working in the PreSales group as a Systems Consultant. Ben has over 12 years in IT and has worn numerous hats during this time. He has experience in Systems Support, Software Testing, Software Development and Professional Services.

Ben has a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics with a Concentration in Computer Science from Georgia State University. When not working, Ben enjoys staying physically active through any means possible, including running while mowing the lawn and laughing at himself.

DURATION: 60 minute presentation and interactive question and answer session.


Access webinar ->  Webinar: Stress-free SQL Queries for the Analyst

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PDU & CDU Information: PDUs & CDUs for Modern Analyst Webinars

By canny @ Tuesday, June 22, 2010 1:49 AM
am still not able to view any contents of this webminar

By Taylor Chiu @ Tuesday, February 21, 2017 7:49 AM
This video does work if you click through to watch it on Youtube on a different tab.

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