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Visio-based BPMN Model for Accounts Payable

Visio-based BPMN Model for Accounts Payable
Statistics: 36720 Views // 5 Comments // Article Rating
Posted by: Derek Weeks on Friday, April 8, 2011
A Jump-Start on BPMN Modeling
BPMN is the standard for business process modeling, but business analysts are frequently at a loss for where to begin their process modeling efforts. To help jump-start BPMN process modeling and analysis efforts, we are supplying a set of pre-built models and simulations for popular processes. These models were built through real-world process improvement engagements. These models are not expected to match your organization’s own processes, but should help you get a head start on your modeling and process improvement efforts. To help you better understand the models, simulation results, and improvement reports, a companion guide (.pdf) is offered in the .zip file to provide a summary of the business situation that established their creation.
More About the Accounts Payable Situation
Acme Inc. is a medium-sized company with just under 1,000 employees. Today, they employ three accounts payable clerks and one accounts payable supervisor. Each day the AP organization receives around 240 invoices and receipts from their internal purchasing and payment processes. Most invoices are paid automatically by the ERP system at Acme Inc., however there are a significant number of exceptions that the accounts payable clerks and supervisor must handle. Of the total invoices handled by the ERP system, an average of 22% are kicked out to the AP clerks for exception handling.
Summarizing the situation at Acme Inc.:
» 78% of AP transactions are processed without exception by the ERP system
» 5% of AP transactions go to clerks due to receiving an invoice or receipt that is not known to the system
» 10% of AP transactions go to clerks because the invoice or receipt does not arrive within 5 business days
» 7% of AP transactions go to clerks because of QA errors such as a mismatch between receipt and invoice
Following process discovery, the Business Analyst created a model of the current process. What-if scenarios were used by the Business Process Analyst to compare process improvement alternatives.
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Derek Weeks posted on Tuesday, April 12, 2011 8:58 AM
We seem to have hit on something of interest. Our HR BPMN template has over 2000 views, and in the first 48 hours, the Accounts Payable and Loan Processing templates have over 300 views.

We have more Visio-based BPMN templates available. Would you like us to post more here? Is there a way we can improve the templates for your use?
filbind posted on Tuesday, April 12, 2011 10:19 AM
Yes - I think we all appreciate the examples. Why reinvent the wheel? And thanks!
heki posted on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 3:03 AM
This is Very helpfull.. Thanks
M. Buchanan posted on Thursday, April 4, 2013 11:45 AM
Having additional templates would be great. As was already stated, why reinvent the wheel?
GregArkansas posted on Wednesday, March 7, 2018 11:24 PM
First time I see your site. Lot's of good work went into these templates.

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