Humor & Comics for the Business Analyst

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Business Analyst, Requirements, or Business Analysis Cartoon/Humor/Comics Submission

Do you have a great cartoon idea relevant to the business analyst or related to requirements and business analysis?  If so, we want to hear from you.  Just submit us your idea and you may see it in one of our future cartoons.  You can also e-mail your humor ideas to cartoons[at]ModernAnalyst[dot]com.




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Business Analyst - THE ONE - Part 1
Business Analyst – First time when I heard this word while working for banking operations, I was really curious to know more about the role behi... Read More...

What is TOGAF and How to Get a TOGAF Certification
TOGAF is a certification that is handed over by The Open Group. It is an open corporate architecture means used to improvise upon the business ef... Read More...

Enter the Business Engineer: Part 2
In a previous post regarding the emergence of the Business Engineer, I discussed the Who, What and Why of this new type of human capital. At Mendix, w... Read More...

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