Books for the Business Analyst

BABOK 3.0 Flashcards

BABOK 3.0 Flashcards
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Authors: Richard Larson, Elizabeth Larson
Paperback: 336 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0692731635

Hundreds of flash cards, color-coded by Knowledge Area with the most important BABOK® terms and techniques. These cards will help you drill and learn the central concepts for the CBAP® or CCBA® exam, and help you finalize your exam preparation. Includes several blank cards so you can create your own flashcards and customize your study.

How our Flashcards Will Help You:

  • Drill and memorize key concepts of the BABOK that will help you prepare for the CBAP/CCBA exam.
  • Employ visual and kinesthetic learning principles to trigger different parts of your brain to absorb more information.
  • Reinforce important material from the BABOK and our CBAP Certification Study Guide v3.0 so you learn and retain the information.
  • Use alone or with a colleague and help each other prepare for your exam.

Special Features:

  • 336 flashcards that give you extensive coverage of the important BABOK terms, concepts, and techniques.
  • Unique blend of two-phase learning: all cards have a simple definition for quick absorption. Many cards also contain a second layer of pertinent details, types, and examples for deeper understanding.
  • Used in the Watermark Learning CBAP and CCBA Certification Preparation courses, these flashcards have been student tested and refined for maximum effectiveness.
  • Includes several blank cards so you can create your own flashcards and customize your study.
  • Printed on sturdy cardstock, take these flashcards with you for quick or impromptu study.


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