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New Post 11/4/2014 3:27 PM
User is offline ledattack
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Advice on MBA admissions 

I am an Indian with a bachelors degree and a masters both in Mechanical Engineering. After my masters degree i took on a business analyst role in the IT industry here in the US. I am employed by a small consulting company and have been working onsite at some big insurance clients for the past year. I was initially trained for a period of one month and then my resume was marketed to clients by my consultancy. 

I have plans to do an MBA in the next 2/3 years from a reasonably good (top 30/40) institute and was wondering how admission committees will look at my experience. Will the fact that i am not employed Full time by the companies i work with go against me? With 3 years before i plan to matriculate, i guess the next 6-12 months are crucial if i have to change to a full time job. Also, if anyone has experience with this,  how do mba programs in the US see the typical indian BA with a non computer science degree? My intention to do the mba is to eventually switch over to management consulting/finance.

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