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New Post 9/13/2010 7:30 AM
User is offline Nigelus
23 posts
9th Level Poster

Data Quality and Business Process Management 

I guess the best BPM solutions or efforts are fairly useless in an organisation, where poor quality data is tolerated. Can anyone perhaps expand on this statement

New Post 11/30/2010 2:10 AM
User is offline SteveBoulanger
38 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Data Quality and Business Process Management 
BPM for Business can be defined as a way of thinking and an approach which allows the organization to focus and manage its business processes with the aim of deriving efficiency and quality in its way of working across multiple levels of business to achieve defined corporate objectives. In this BPM method if we have bad quality data then this process will be useless because whole process depend on data.
New Post 11/30/2010 2:10 AM
User is offline SteveBoulanger
38 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Data Quality and Business Process Management 
BPM for Business can be defined as a way of thinking and an approach which allows the organization to focus and manage its business processes with the aim of deriving efficiency and quality in its way of working across multiple levels of business to achieve defined corporate objectives. In this BPM method if we have bad quality data then this process will be useless because whole process depend on data.
New Post 11/30/2010 6:17 AM
User is offline Nigelus
23 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Data Quality and Business Process Management 

Thanks for your interest Steve. I was surprised that I could not raise any other comments for what has been a couple of months. Like other things, new systems are purchased and migrations take place and the "same " data is still there.

Becoming aware in your organisation of the processes which drive your business is one thing, but as you say the level of the quality of the data being accessed and orchestrated within the process needs to be of a high standard to achieve the return on investment required whether this was specifically BPM or even a new ERP system. I think too that if you are going to take the trouble to bring data quality to an acceptable standard, that measures could also be deployed to maintain that level of quality, would you say? Maybe this is not the domain of the Modern Analyst, but rather the birth of a new area of expertise? Just wonder how the one might work without the other.

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