Mr. Brown,
Thanks for your response!
Our goal is to replace an existing app that is a decision-support tool for providing info/action for inquiries based in govt policy. The concept will remain the same, but we want to undertand the business to identify opportunities to provide a better service to our users. Currently, specific tasks are interpreted by the analyst and converted into a use-case to be developed. So, the assumption is, since it's policy, that is the business-process.
What we want to do is start interviewing our users to see how we can implement these policies while increasing the usefulness of the application by indentifying steps that will provide value and not fluff.
Our problem is... Our stakeholders believe that the policy dictates business process, but we know that it is not. Plus, we have several business-units that operate independently that we have to get buy-in from. That could take years and budgets may or may not facilitate that.
So, we can re-write the app, but it'll be based on the same policy we currently use. So, the tasks is where I think we should start. A top-down approach is outside the timeframe of the rewrite. Having said that, can we proceed with an "open" model that will allow for mitigation of misalignment?
When you say Six Sigma, is that the process improvement that is de facto to BPM?