Hi All,
I am just doing a BPMN process. One thing I am confused about is should I use an exclusive or inclusive Gateway for the following scenario.
If the form arrives with signature then go to step A
If the form arrives without signature then go to step B
At first I thought it is an exclusive gateway, but the definition for an inclusive gateway sound little bit confusing to me, especially with the lack of examples. The example I was able to see about inclusive gateway say it is used when you have 2 or more options and you can choose them both, for example Either A or A+B, so does this apply to the above scenario?
Many thanks
The gateway is exclusive as there are essentially two states, either with a signature or without. The form cannot have both a signature and not a signature.
From https://www.lucidchart.com/pages/bpmn-gateway-types
"An exclusive gateway evaluates the state of the business process and, based on the condition, breaks the flow into one of the two or more mutually exclusive paths."
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