Hi there,
So as I understand it, it seems like is the organization is shifting from a Waterfall to Agile methodology and your role is being transitioned to be a BA, reporting to a Sr. BA. I have had to transition a few teams into Agile environments and it isn't always the simplest process, especially since people are generally used to doing things a certain way.
Here's what you'll need to think about:
1) Look up agile methodology online in case you need more info on what it's all about: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agile_software_development
2) Figure out what web tools you'll be using for the Agile environment: JIRA (epics/stories) / Confluence (document repository) combo is very strong,popular platform. or something else?
3) You'll need to plan out and configure the workflow for epic, story, and bug tickets in a tool like JIRA. This will involve understanding how your organization's SDLC process flows, and converting this into transitions (shifting from one status to another) and statuses. Here is a reference: https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver071/working-with-workflows-802592661.html
A common workflow I have used is: Open > In Analysis > Ready for Dev > In Development > Ready for Code Review > In Code Review > Ready for QA > In QA > REady for Staging > In Staging > Ready for Merge > In Production/Complete
4) After all of this is done, you'll need to convert existing /new requirements into features that will become user stories in your Agile tool. Typically a project will be an 'epic' and your feature would be a 'story' with associated use cases.