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New Post 9/22/2014 4:18 AM
User is offline mjay1610
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BPMN lanes - system 
I am drawing a BPMN flow for an online ordering process for a product. I have customer, sales assistant and delivery service as the 3 swim lanes should I also have the system? Ie. Lane - Activity (I've drawn it but do this way to show the steps and connections) 


Customer - access website,

Customer - enter postcode ,

system - displays local branches ,

customer -selects product ,

customer- enters payment details ,

system- validates payment and so on... 

Or do I just not have the system and hust have that the customer confirms local branch etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

New Post 9/22/2014 11:36 AM
User is offline Sukan
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Re: BPMN lanes - system 
The  Swim lanes should have Customer,System,financial Institution (payment gateway) where the amount/account is validated ,the scenario/activity/workflow should be either successful (if all the details provided are correct and with balance in the account)or failure (if something fails or customer withdraws or abruptly ends)with decision and message displayed
New Post 5/13/2015 1:52 PM
User is offline Matt Adams (Business Analyst)
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Re: BPMN lanes - system 

To me, the most important thing is that the swim lane makes sense to the targeted audience. I've created some swim lanes where I've had a lane for the system, but I've also created lanes where I've added the system icon to the activity box.

New Post 5/17/2015 1:59 AM
User is offline Kimbo
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Re: BPMN lanes - system 

So each swim lane is an actor that interacts with your system. Its about the interaction between the actors and the system. By definition the system doesn't initiate anything on its own. In your example, you say the system displays local branches. It will only do that in response to an actor requesting it to do that. So its the actor initiating the activity that you want to show - something like Select Local Branch or something like that. The system validates the payment as a result of an actor doing something - perhaps Enter Payment or Submit Payment.

You have identified the activities that are happening, you just have the wrong names for them. To quote (badly) Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird, walk in the shoes of your actors when doing BPMN and your processes will be a lot better.


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