Recently, I was assigned to a project with another 2 BAs and I was responsible to the Reporting part of it. It’s a national project, and I would like to do it as properly as I could.
I am new to requirement analysis for reporting. Does anyone have a template or suggestions that how I could address the requirement in a professional way?
So far, I have decided to do the data flow diagram, Entity relationship diagram.
How about proceding in an agile fashion? Michael Hugos (author, CIO contributor, Modern Analyst contributor) has it right: Adequate data flow diagrams, entity relationship diagrams, and a few screen shots are often all you really need.
Don't get caught up in all the "Well there are Business Requirements documents Functional Requirements documents System Requirements documents, add nausium" discussions. Git er done!
How about starting with what the project stakeholder's need from the reports.
Typical things include
And so on.
If you don't know what business decisions are important you are diving into a painful process.
After that you can consider the data.
"Start with the end in mind."
You can determine the needs or conditions; because requirement analysis is related to identified business needs or opportunities.
I reckon Craig and Tony are both spot on. Craig’s focus is on working what is relevant; and Tony's focus is analyse these relevant domains only so that your DFDs and Entity Relationships information are focused and goal directed.
warm regards,
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