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New Post 3/9/2022 2:59 AM
User is offline Ged Dunn
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Does NoSQL change the way we should think about data modelling? 

Like many I have been using ER and/or UML Class Diagrams to model data entities as logical objects before passing those designs to DBAs who build physical schema in a relational database SQL Server/Oracle etc.

I haven't until now worked with a NoSQL database (eg MongoDB) as the target implementation and I am just wondering if it changes the paradigm of analysis and design at all? 

Since with a NoSQL database you can nest document schemas within documents...

Name: Gerald Dunn


   House: 99

   Street: Main Street

   City: London there any difference in the methodology of Data Modelling?  In short - is ER data modelling the best practice for all types of target db, or are there alternatives?

Any thoughts, recommendations, resources etc would be gratefully received.



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