Forums for the Business Analyst

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Hot Thread with new postsAspiring to be a BA
 by Amoeba
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3/2/2017 4:27 AM
by sutnarcha
Hot Thread with new postsNew Name For Jack-Of-All-Trades = Swiss-Army-Knife
 by NitWitNick
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3/2/2017 4:11 AM
by sutnarcha
Hot Thread with new postsProject Estimation in Agile-Scrum ?
 by augustya
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2/28/2017 3:51 AM
by sutnarcha
Hot Thread with new postsDocumentation in an Agile Way: Whats the best aproach? (Page: 1, 2)
 by Jayman21
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2/28/2017 2:27 AM
by sutnarcha
Hot Thread with new postsEthical Hacking Institute in Chennai
 by Ethical Hacking Institute in Chennai
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6/16/2015 3:51 AM
by Ethical Hacking Institute in Chennai
Hot Thread with new postsWhen user stories should not be used? (Page: 1, 2, 3, 4)
 by sp_key
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5/11/2015 1:53 PM
by Matt Adams (Business Analyst)
Hot Thread with new postsHow to perform testing for an Agile project? (Page: 1, 2, 3)
 by Irene
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12/24/2014 2:21 AM
Hot Thread with new postsBA's on delivery teams, product focused or generalist
 by JMJ
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10/21/2014 7:21 PM
by Adrian M.
Hot Thread with new postsUse Cases vs User Stories (Page: 1, 2)
 by sb95
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9/17/2014 2:50 AM
by sureshbrady
Hot Thread with new postsHow to prepare user story in agile
 by varnita
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9/16/2014 5:26 AM
by sureshbrady
Hot Thread with new postsGathering, managing and elaborating requirements for Backbase implementation
 by TheLearner2008
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6/18/2014 1:19 PM
by TheLearner2008
Hot Thread with new postsWill Agile work in this environment and if so how?
 by gh05
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4/28/2014 11:43 AM
by Chris Adams
Hot Thread with new postsFaux-Agile
 by Gandalf the White
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3/31/2014 10:17 AM
by fred
Hot Thread with new postsBiSL Framework
 by Functioneel
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2/18/2014 3:13 AM
by Functioneel
Hot Thread with new postsUtilizing swimlane(s) instead of Use Cases
 by kkyoyo
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12/17/2013 2:10 AM
by Kimbo
Hot Thread with new postsRUP Methodology
 by suraj123
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11/14/2013 8:08 AM
by Sandy
Hot Thread with new postsDocumentation after release.
 by Carl Oellermann
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7/12/2013 5:31 AM
by Tony Markos
Hot Thread with new postsMining Rules
 by BA72
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6/10/2013 12:53 PM
by BA72
Hot Thread with new postsUser Stories for Production Support
 by Briana Hall
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6/6/2013 12:24 PM
by Chris Adams
Hot Thread with new postsHow to gather requirements for Intranet for software comapany
 by Wahab Mohammed
No RatingUnresolved
4/22/2013 3:05 AM
by Wahab Mohammed
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In today's dynamic business environment, mastering effective business analysis techniques is crucial for organizations aiming to achieve sustainable growth and competitive advantage. Business analysis involves the systematic evaluation of business processes, requirements, and strategies to uncover insights that drive informed decision-making. T...
For many years now, a lot of people have found it difficult to identify the difference between Sankey diagrams and parallel sets. The two have made headlines, given that most people find it challenging to note what makes them different from each other. What remains to be undeniable is the fact that the Sankey diagram is among the top data visualiza...
Hosted by Deirdre Caren on Agora Insight's Blueprints for Success - Business Architecture and AI In our recent conversation with Joseph Edward, we explored the transformative power of business architecture (BA) and technology as tools for uplifting communities. Joseph, with his rich background spanning from education to IT leadership, shared...



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