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New Post 11/11/2013 6:17 PM
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Business Analysis Cloud Tools: Elicitation, Requirements Analysis, and Requirements Management 
Modified By Chris Adams  on 11/12/2013 1:25:21 AM)

My Top Tools For Business Analysis That Live Out In the Cloud!

Elicitation: Note Taking


For me, elicitaiton involves a lot of note taking and Evernote is fantastic because you can access all you stuff from a browser, mobile phones , as well as desktop. Evernote is built for notes, so it has a ton of features that make it perfect for note taking on the go!

Requirements Analysis: Modeling and Diagramming

LucidCharts, Gliffy, and Creatly

To Me, these three are basically the same. The all have everything you would need for business analysis modeling including wireframing, process modelling, data flow diagrams, data models, you name it.  All of these have limited free versions, usually restricting sharing and exportable. If you want to get the full package deal  they range from $5-$10 per month.

Requirements Management: Communication and Collaboration

Google Docs

I like Google Docs because you can work with other people at the same time on the same document, and easily share. Very easy to access all of your stuff on any device, and you can export to most of the popular office suite templates (like .doc, .ppt, etc) 

Got Any Other Great Tools? Please share. I discovered all of these tools via recommendations from other BA's. Certainly you guys have heard of other great tools. 

Angelo @ MetaBA In the Clouds

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