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New Post 8/16/2015 2:54 PM
User is offline pancey
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BA interview 'exercise' 

I've just battled through a first interview for a BA role I'm really interested in (UK-based).

I've been invited to a second interview (with the hiring manager again, and possibly an existing permanent BA there).  All I've been told is that it will be more of a discussion than an interview as such, and that I'll be given something to read through and think about, and then we'll have a conversation about it.  Apparently there is nothing I can prepare.

I can't worm any more information out of them - it sounds a little like a case interview, but more informal.  Does anyone have any idea what kind of exercise this might be, and if there is in fact anything I can do to prepare?  Thanks in advance.

New Post 8/18/2015 3:32 AM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: BA interview 'exercise' 

Hi Pancey,

Well if I was them I'd give you a few paragraphs describing a scenario and then ask you to extract the key functions, actors, business rules and maybe even significant entities.

As well as or instead of this they might ask you how you'd go about extracting requirements, stakeholders, etc from it.

They're probably trying to understand how you go about being a BA.

Just a guess.


New Post 8/18/2015 5:41 AM
User is offline pancey
2 posts
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Re: BA interview 'exercise' 

Thanks Kimbo, that's really helpful. I was struggling to decide what to focus on in terms of preparation, but that gives me a really useful steer.

Much appreciated!


New Post 8/21/2015 4:35 AM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: BA interview 'exercise' 

They might also give you some text and ask you to mock up the process it describes too. I've actually set tests like that for candidates during interviews. Works a treat.

Let us know how you get on.


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