...I originally stumbled into the position of a Business Analyst...
"Bottomline = don't wait for someone to create the Junior BA position - make the position yourself." "
I hope you have found something by now, but I just wanted to comment that I loved ndaza's comment especially about stumbling into the position. I am a senior business analyst with a software development company and if you asked me 5 years ago if I would ever become a business analyst I would have probably told you no. But one thing after another led me down the path of what I would discover was a path to becoming a BA.
I started by providing end user support for a customized payroll software product where I asked the questions and really probed the end users to understand the problem and then turned around and solved the problem myself rather than passing it onto a developer. That is how I suppose I stood out from the support crowd is I analyzed the end user's issue to find out the true issue. Then I moved on to work at the company that customized that same payroll software and wore multiple hats - performing QA of the software, providing end user support, managing small projects and writing specifications for new software solutions.
It definitely helped that I had a person at work that would give me challenging tasks that I would never have thought of ever taking on, but I was also the type of person to take on new and interesting challenges.
So here I am three years after starting with the software company as an entry level support/QA person and I am a Sr. Business Analyst who also wears a project management hat managing a portfolio. I agree you definitely need to make your own role and wish you the best of luck finding a company that will enable you to carve out your own role.
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