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New Post 1/22/2009 12:42 AM
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Current BA market 


Well everyone is aware of the huge shift in the market for jobs in general, and specifically in the financial sector, but I'm wondering what trend people are experiencing in the BA market currently?  I've got four years experience as a BA in the financial industry and had been anticipaitng moving overseas (ie, Europe or the US) this March, but now am spending some time trying to determine what the risk is of not finding work when I arrive. 

Any opinions/experiences anywhere in the world would be appreciated.





New Post 1/22/2009 7:02 PM
User is offline Jarett Hailes
155 posts
6th Level Poster

Re: Current BA market 

In my personal opinion, I would hesitate to move to a new location without a job lined up.  Work with local recruiters in your target area(s) to get a feel on the job market in the region.  See what kind of openings are available and apply remotely.  Most recruiters are willing to do at least an initial phone interview with promising candidates, although you may have to fly in for an in-person 2nd or 3rd interview.

In my area (Western Canada), there's definitely been a slowdown but there still are positions available.  You need to have realistic expectations on salary/rates, as they have come down somewhat as demand has tightened.

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