Hoping someone with Use Case expertise can help out with my questions below
Q1. Do the Pre-Conditions and Post-Conditions only apply to the Basic Flow?
Q2. If the Use Case has two different outcome depending on which actor is accessing the function, then would they have to be written as seperate scenarios? Example: If Actor-1 logs on, then system should display option 1 and option 2. If Actor-2 logs on, then system should display option 1, option 2 and option 3.
I am trying to draw a use case diagram and I am finding it difficult to connect the actors with the use cases as the system has many functionalities. Should I be breaking it into multiple diagrams?
Pre-Conditions and Post-Conditions will apply to a Use Case.
Your Actor 1 will be Primary Flow and then you can make your actor 2 scenario Alternate Flow.
Pre-condition means what should be present prior to Use case being performed such as loggin on , authentication/authorization.
Post condition will usually tell you what Use Case is suppose to do, why you are doing Use case.
IF your actor1 and actor 2 are tryint to achieve something diff then u'll need diff Use case.
Writing use cases is an iterative process. If you have a problem doing it as one, do it as two. You can consolidate in a future iteration.
From what you describe there is not enough information to make a call on your particular situation but keep in mind the use case describes how an actor gets to a goal. From what you are describing it looks like you are in functional decomposition in describing something to detailed about the system.
Consider this:
The Actor selects from options presented.....
This eliminates your problem of what options are presented.
Then you will have a path for each option. One use case with a common goal.
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