It's not really an issue with me, it's reality. I too made the transition from Developer to BA, over 20 years ago, and have definitely not maintained my original developer skills. First, PL/1 and IMS didn't last too much longer(!), and second, I wasn't being paid to do it; rather, my supported training and development path was to be a better BA.
Now, the Agile approach favours generalization over specialization, that being effective in analysis, development and QA is the way to go. I find these types of people are hard to find, such that not all companies that want to be Agile can really do it.
However, there is another issue in your post, and that is Project Management. I strongly believe that a project of any significant size should have a dedicated PM. I recognize that being able to do both makes one more marketable, but it is a split personality job to do both; one side of your brain wants it done on time and budgetr, the other side wants it done right, and the two sides are often in conflict. Better to have the conflict resolved through joint efforts of two people than wrangling with it alone.
The key is 'significant size'. I have done both roles where I am the only BA and the overall length of the project is under 3 months, if itr goes longer, or more than one BA is assigned, then get a dedicated PM, or you will be stretched too thin over just these two roles.