I have been doing some research on standard naming conventions for business rules and I have hit nothing but roadblocks. When managing business rules in a tool, are there any guidelines out there on how best to name a business rule? Whereas requirements can be named using a [verb-phrase]+[noun-object] format, this does not always apply to business rules since not all rules describe active behavior.
Have you come across, or do you use, any standards when giving a name or title to a business rule?
Most of the time for things, Rules, Database fields...etc. Many places make the first 2 characters of a rule number or database field something that relates to the business unit....For Example:
Business Rule
FI001 - Finance Rule 1
HR005 - Human Resource Rule 5
BI010 - Billing Rule 10
Database Fields
FIintrate - Finance Interest Rate
HRempid - Human Resources Employee Id
BIcustnum - Billing Customer Number
With that ID, you can see instantly where that rule or database field applies to.
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