Hello There,
I have recently taken over a Business Systems Analyst role to integrate multiple .net based applications into a single platform. One of my assignment is to identify Business Rules and Technical Requirements for the new platform from the existing application codes. I am kinda new to this structure, though i have reviewed VB and HTML codes in the past to derive business rules and requirements. I need suggestions and advises on how do I give best to gather business rules and requirements just by going through the C# codes from the existing applications.
Thank you.
Hi Vinay,
Think I'd start by looking at how the applications themselves. Look at the functionality of the applications, the types of users that access them, the data involved and the validations that apply. Only go to the code when you need to verify thinks like validation rules and to check you have all the alternates covered.
I'd also map the screens and the interaction between the screens. I'd probably do all this using various UML diagrams and possibly use cases.
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