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New Post 1/3/2011 5:57 AM
User is offline peter
7 posts
10th Level Poster

MK-II Function Point Analysis 


Dear All,

           I'll be grateful if someone can please advise on how to estimate effort for setting up a website using MK-II FPA. {N(input), N(output) etc}

Many thanks for your time,



New Post 1/3/2011 4:23 PM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: MK-II Function Point Analysis 

 Hi Peter,

Dunno what MK=II FPA (N(input), N(output)) is. Sounds complicated. Doesn't have to be.

Function point analysis is pretty simple the way I do it. Identify as best you can, at the point in the project you're at, the number of use cases and the number of alternates in each use case - essentially these are the function points. For each identified function point apply a multiplier based on the level of complexity. I usually estimate the really complex ones individually. The multipliers will take into account your company's previous development analytics and all stages of the project right up to go live. That is the key point not any fancy mathematical formula. Your estimates will improve as you record estimated times v actuals on projects and apply this learned knowledge back into your multipliers.

Then add in a contingency for unforeseen stuff. The contingency should get smaller as you get further into the project and know more.

What you then have is a list of function points with decent estimates to deliver. Go back to the business and ask for priorities, split it into iterations (or scrums in the new agile speak) and get down to work.

I'm being simplistic but I think its easy to over complicate this stuff.


New Post 1/4/2011 1:49 AM
User is offline peter
7 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: MK-II Function Point Analysis 


Hi Kimbo,

                 Many thanks for your response. I am very new to Business and System Analysis and in process to learning Function Point Analysis.




The method

Based on a method devised by Charles Symons and described in his book “Estimating with MkII FPA”, the MkII FPA method has evolved through 3 versions, the most current of which is V1.3.1.

The main feature of the method is the simple measurement model; there are only 3 components to consider:

  • Inputs: Data coming into the software from a user in the external environment
  • Outputs: Date leaving the software to a user in the external environment
  • Entity References: The Storage, retrieval and deletion of date from permanent storage.

You can check on "


I need to calculate Function Size & Effort using this method:

"Calculate the Functional Size
The Functional Size (Function Point Index) is the weighted sum over all Logical Transactions, of the Input Data Element Types (Ni), the Data Entity Types Referenced (Ne), and the Output Data Element Types (No).

So the Function Point Index (FPI) for an application is:
FPI = Wi * SNi + We * SNe + Wo * SNo,
where ‘S‘ means the sum over all Logical Transactions, and the industry average weights per Input Data Element Type, Data Entity Type Reference and Output Data Element Type are, respectively:
Wi = 0.58
We = 1.66
Wo = 0.26

I need help finding Ni, Ne, No for a website creation project..???

I hope this clarifies the situation,

Any help very much appreciated

New Post 1/4/2011 2:49 PM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: MK-II Function Point Analysis 
Modified By Kimbo  on 1/4/2011 5:57:20 PM)

 Hi Peter

Interesting way to determine function complexity. Probably as good as any. I tend to put my finger in the air based on my past experience which is less empirical but works for me.

You should be using weightings based on your company's development history because they will be more accurate than using industry weightings. But you probably don't have that information so industry weightings are as good as any. 

Remember to keep actuals against your estimates and start to adjust the weightings over time to reflect what you have learnt. That should mean you'll slowly get better at your estimates.

Key also is to make sure you identify ALL of the function points. All the fancy formulae in the world won't help you if you can't do that well to start with.

Good luck with it. 


New Post 1/4/2011 8:50 PM
User is offline peter
7 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: MK-II Function Point Analysis 

Hi Kimbo,

               Many thanks for your response. I completely agree with you on calculating Function Points. I think experience comes first in BA field. You are also right in saying that I don't have any information on company's development history so I have to rely on industry weightings.

I'll be very grateful if you can please help me with this issue and also let me know from where to study more on method suggested by you.

Company(book shop)  is looking for their first website and want it to be functioning like ( How many function points you think are there for this website??

secondly how I should proceed further for estimating effort and cost.They also have requirements like Allow customer online wish list, allow customer online book review and allow order tracking etc. (similar to

I look forward to your response,

Many thanks once gain for your precious time,

Kind regards,



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