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New Post 1/8/2009 5:32 PM
User is offline Roger
15 posts
9th Level Poster

Use Case 

Hi All-

I have to capture use cases out of requirements . Use cases are Business Use case and Use case

Am a bit confused as to what should i include in Business use case & Use case(system Interaction). Include in the sense in business use case the system does not respond, only business actors perform various actions to complete the use case

Need some light on this please....


New Post 1/9/2009 1:04 AM
User is offline Craig Brown
560 posts
4th Level Poster

Re: Use Case 

Can you maybe propvide an example, or break your question down a little.  Not sure what you are getting at...

New Post 1/9/2009 7:44 AM
User is offline Roman
14 posts
10th Level Poster

Re: Use Case 

Hi Roger.  As mentioned in a post previous to mine, you might want to elaborate further on what it is that you actually want to do but here is my take on it.  A business use case is an end to end business process that an actor performs (i.e withdraw cash) to achieve their business goal.  A system use case describes systems' functionality (i.e Authenticate User).  So in essence, business use case focuses on what the business process does, system use case focuses on what the actor achieves while interacting with system.  Hope this helps.



New Post 1/9/2009 5:06 PM
User is offline KJ
243 posts
6th Level Poster

Re: Use Case 

Good question Roger,

To show my understanding or lack thereof I’ll rephrase the question slightly to: “what is the use case boundary”.  Let’s take a lending library (there are non-lending libraries) that you must visit to borrow loan items.

To write Business Use Cases, the boundary is the Library. We view the librarian and library system to be within the Business Boundary. For example business use cases include: The member can “browse the catalogue”; the member can “borrow the loan item”; the member can “extend the due date”.  Note the Actor is the Member.  And staying within the rules for use cases your narrative steps should now consists of statements that start with “the Member does…”, “the Library does…” (there should be no “the system does …” statements)

To write System Use Cases, the boundary is the Library Computer System. In this case the Librarian and the Member are the actors, who can browse the catalogue. (In my library, browsing the catalogue is the only system’s touch-point for me as a user).  The librarian is the only systems actor when the member borrows loan items and/or extends the loan items due date. Now let’s take the Business Use case “borrow the loan item”. In most libraries , mine included, the member gives the loan items to the librarian, and  “The librarian records the loan items and due dates”; then the librarian gives the loan items back to the member who exits the library. The systems use case diagram should show stick-figures for the librarian and bubble for “records the loan items and due dates ” The systems use case narrative for this use case should consist of statements that start “the Librarian does …”, and “the system does …” (again, for this use case, there should be no “the member does…” statements )

So to answer your original question: Should I “Include in the sense in business use case the system does not respond”. The answer is NO!

The use case boundary is an important distinction, because if you are not sure who the actor or where the boundary is, you introduce “scope creep”.  Imagine if you had written “The member records the loan items and due dates”, when the boundary is the computer system. This immediately implies a self-service requirement, which has serious implications for the designers as they now have to implement/design a self-service check-out point. There is also cost blow-out!

Hope this helps.

Warm regards,



New Post 1/15/2009 8:07 AM
User is offline Roger
15 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: Use Case 

Thank you R

This helped me

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