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New Post 7/13/2015 11:14 AM
User is offline cisco.leon
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Technical Use Case - any other alternatives 

A team member is being ask to produce Technical Use cases on a project. It seems to relate to creating test cases to describe the functions and exception handling of a particular API. An API that resolves user permissions for a given system.


Use Case just doesn't feel right here but I'm at a loss as to what exactly to prescribe. Activity Diagram or  Sequence perhaps. Its just very strange to see in a UseCase the step where "Developer check if Method X is present.".

UC Name

Developer API and Policy Logic


Developer, Developer Components, Security Service


The purpose of this use case is to document how Developer API and Policy Logic works confirming permissions for a user.


1. The Authorization Service is running successfully

2. The Security Service is running successfully

3. User connected to the network to access the DB in the respective environment (INT, QA, PROD)


1. Return True or False for permissions aligned to a particular user


Developer confirms permissions for a particular user by using “HasPermissions” method.


Existing application data is correct


Existing application data is incorrect


Developer has access to the network to access environment specific DB.

Main Flow (MF01):

Return Scope Tree Nodes (GetScopeTree)


User Action

System Action

  1. 1

Developer confirms user permission by using the method:

“HasPermissions(userId, permissionsId, scopetreenodeId)”

System configures IAuthZManagerFactory


System creates IAuthZManager to request user permissions


System request IAuthRepository to provide user permissions


IAuthRepository checks the service client memory cache for the user.

If user exists in cache, steps 5 or otherwise 8.


Systems pulls user application permissions and scope tree nodes from cache.


System resets cache timer


System returns True or False for user – HasPermissions method.

Note: Please refer Policy Logic Diagram for Permissions.


IAuthRepository invokes GetUserPermissions service – Please follow steps in “Permissions and Scope Tree Services – Return Scoped User Application Permissions” use case.


IAuthRepository invokes GetScopeTree service - Please follow steps in “Permissions and Scope Tree Services – Return Scope Tree Nodes” use case.


IAuthRepository invokes GetDefault service – Steps will be included in the Permissions and Scope Tree Services use case.


System will store Scoped User Permissions, Scope Tree Nodes, and Default Scope Tree information for the user in the service client memory cache.


System returns True or False for user – HasPermissions method.

Note: Please refer Policy Logic Diagram for Permissions.

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