My suggested headings for things that need to be done as part of the transition plan based on POLDAT (some of these may not be relevant of course - depends on your project scope):
Processes - how will processes migrate from old to new and how will the business function during the transition (e.g. special interim processes and procedures?).
Organsiation - how will the organisation migrate from old to new and how will the business function during the transition (e.g. special interim organisational structure?).
Location - how will the business migrate from old to new locations or the changes to the physical structure of the location(s) and how will the business function during the transition (e.g. some locations/parts of locations in use or out of use or changed use? Car parking always a biggie for this one).
Data - how will processes migrate data from old to new and how will the business function during the transition (closely linked to changes to processes as processes manipulate data).
Application - how will processes migrate from old to new applications and how will the business function during the transition (e.g. special interim applications needed?).
Technology - how will processes migrate from old technology to new and how will the business function during the transition (by technology I am refering to enabling technology that allows applications and people to work - e.g. networks and mobile phones etc.).
Customers - if customers are being impacted by the change, the communication plan to inform them and prepare them.
Employees - if employees are being impacted by the change, the communication and training plan to inform them and prepare them.
I bet I have missed stuff, but its a start...?