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New Post 12/9/2014 11:09 AM
User is offline Mohammad
5 posts
10th Level Poster

Requirements for a Notes Field 
Can you give me some requirements for a notes field? I tried to google it but no luck! Thanks!
New Post 12/12/2014 12:09 AM
User is offline NitWitNick
259 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Requirements for a Notes Field 

You will need to ask your users how they prefer to enter notes ... Will you have one field ... ie. 30 char long and entering them one at a time on multiple lines ?


Will you have a single notes field where they can type in multiple notes at once ... like a Visual Basic Text Field or like the Notes Field you are using here on Modern Analyst to enter in your questions?

Based on the user preferred method ... talk to your Database Administrator to see what their preferred method is to store that data.

Will they store it One Note At a Time:

You would need to create some kind of database varchar field. One Note, One Record.

You would also need a sequence or Date/Time field to keep them in order ... and display them in some type of grid in that order.


Will they store it Multiple Notes At a Time ... like into a Visual Basic Memo Field.

You would need to creaate a database Field to hold the notes:

The database field type depends on your database ... ask your Database Administrator what they are using:

Access = Memo (Access 2010 can store up to 1 gigabyte of characters).

MySQL = LONGTEXT (Holds a string with a maximum length of 4,294,967,295 characters).

SQL Server = varchar(max) (Variable width character string. Maximum 1,073,741,824 characters).

Oracle = Long (Can store variable-length character data containing up to 2 gigabytes of information).



The user part is easy ... draw a picture (wireframe) of your user interface displaying how the notes field will look ... single fields or a memo field ... describe how they will enter the notes.

The technical part was described above ... talk to your Database Administrator to see how the data will be entered into the database and what fields they prefer to use or create.

Also get the names of any Tables and Fields they will create so you can put that into the functional specs for the database Administrator to create and so the programmers know what to use..

It Ain't Hard ... It Just Takes Time To Be Detailed ... Have Fun  

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