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New Post 9/21/2012 10:20 PM
User is offline omkar patil
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Use cases 
I am currently documenting requirements for an insurance Quote Engine.
The quote engine will be an independent module which will be contacted by a variety of systems such as website portal, Policy Admin System (PAS) and Brokers' systems to generate the insurance quotes. 
I thought of 2 approaches.
Approach 1:
Capturing web service client as a system user and including that user as the actor on the use case.
According to some in my group, this is not a correct approach. The very fact that the pricing engine engine will be available as a web service, is a non-functional requirement and 
thus it should not be captured in use cases. 
According to some, use cases should talk more about the business logic and the implementation part should be left with the system architects and developers.   
Approach 2:
Identifying website customer, PAS executive and Broker as actors on the use case
Please help me in choosing the right approach. 
New Post 9/22/2012 3:06 AM
User is offline Kimbo
456 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Use cases 

The power of use cases is in describing conversations between an actor and a system. It is all about modelling the goals of the actors in interacting with the 'system'. The system may or may not involve a software solution. Use cases are solution agnostic for that reason. Go for approach 2. You need to start with modelling the functionality your actors require. Don't forget to think of all their functionality not what you think the system will do. I usually start from business process as a way of teasing out functionality.

If you start with thinking about web service clients and other solution considerations you're likely to miss essential business functionality. Stay away from the detail until you know the big picture.

What used to be called systems analysts are using use cases to define solution. I personally think they are a poor way of modelling solution. There are much better ways. But there is an overwhelming misuse of use cases out there. I feel like a lone round earther amongst a crowd of flat-earthers. One day they'll wake up :)


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