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New Post 9/3/2020 3:46 AM
User is offline MadiMo
31 posts
9th Level Poster

All Confusing Requirements Here for the solver 


I was going through a requirements example, and got confused with some classifications of requirements, for example one Requirement is about DATA CLEANSING, it says

Upon Data extracion, the System will perform: 
- Validation (checking the data in fields is of the correct format and parameters) of the import data to preserve the integrity

How could this be Non-Functional Requirements when it is a System feature? I appreciate that checking and validation relate to data integrity and quality of the system's outputs but still it is a system feature. Any explains are appreciated.

Also, what could be a difference between a Business Requirement and Non-Functional Requirement? Are they the same in the following example?

An example says: the supplier shall adopt the company's change control policies whenever possible. 

Thanks a million to anyone who can advise.


New Post 1/2/2021 3:50 PM
User is offline MadiMo
31 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: All Confusing Requirements Here for the solver 

564 reads without a single reply, do I get it that these questions are hard to answer even for this forum users?

New Post 2/12/2021 4:49 AM
User is offline ShreeMBA
15 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: All Confusing Requirements Here for the solver 


Regarding your Data Validation scenario it is a Functional requirement. It cannot be Non functional.The data quality is essential for further processing of application, if the format or parameters are incorrect it will impact the functioning of the system viz processing, manipulation of those data , generating reports.

For the second scenario  difference between a Business Requirement and Non-Functional Requirement? Are they the same in the following example? "The supplier shall adopt the company's change control policies whenever possible".In this scenario in my view the non-functional requirement will be aligned to the business requirement.

I consider an example that the change control policy for an Insurance company is to go paperless. The policy documents should be only electronic and no option of printing document is available to Insurers.
Incase they need then it will be sent by postal mail from the Insurance company.

The business requirement will be:
1.Checking valid credentials of Insurer
2.When the Insurer needs a document it must allow to save a copy in his/her system or email it
3.Incase the Insurer needs the document as paper then it must be raised as request to the Insurance company later it will be sent in postal mail.
4.Request from the Insurer will be received by the administrator who will initiate document to be mailed to their respective address.

The NonFunctional requirements will be:

  1. Display screen and menus  for different types of users  i)Insurer ii)Administrator
  2. Policy document displays in 5 seconds
  3. Email to be sent within 5 seconds
  4. Number of Insurers who are allowed for concurrent access for a specific  documents

Non functional requirements are part of Business requirement they doesn't affect the basic function of the system or application.They are vital as they impact security,usability,availability and  they lean towards the external features. Some times they may seem cosmetic too.

I hope this response helps.


New Post 5/4/2021 3:02 AM
User is offline MadiMo
31 posts
9th Level Poster

Re: All Confusing Requirements Here for the solver 

Hi Shree

Thank you for this thorough explanation, it helps a lot.

Frankly, what I suffer from sometimes in my organisation is that we receive documents from external sources and they tend to mistakenly misrecognise the functional and nonfunctional requirements, not to mention the business requirements too. I was confident that the validation is functional but because these mistakes keep happening I sometimes start to wonder.

Kind Regards,


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