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New Post 11/30/2016 9:34 AM
User is offline Ankit
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Risk Mitigation / Management 
Hello Gang!
In my first assignment working for the local city government as a Business Analyst, I have just completed an RFP document for a property management system the city's affordable housing department requires.


I am now facing an interesting dilemma. I am very much skeptical that not one vendor will be able to deliver all of the different modules of requirements that we have in the RFP (Enforcements, Rentals, Sales, Maintenance etc.) in one software. Some will be able to deliver the module on enforcements, while some who specialize on sales and rentals will be able to provide a solution for that.


How do I go about finding a workaround for this? I know I can have the RFP state that we will accept multiple vendors bid for different modules, but I figure I will have a hard time convincing the management (my employers) on this.


What do you guys think? I am looking for strategies that I can adopt to create a win-win for all.
Let me know if there's more information that I can provide to help you better understand the issue. Looking forward to some interesting propositions.


Thank you!
New Post 8/15/2017 4:01 PM
User is offline Nimbocrux
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Re: Risk Mitigation / Management 

Is there a reason why consortia can't apply for this? Have the best enforcement people team with the best collections people and then contract an maintenance team? Projects I've worked on\bid for seem to do this?


Good luck

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