Kimbo and G,
G you taking a process view (almost a DFD breakdown approach). I'm putting my money with Kimbo this time.
Usecases are NOT screen related, rather they are GOAL related. Most of us would have a SELECT/BROWSE Product and/or PURCHASE Product use cases.
If I were to buy products online, I'd normally BROWSE/select products -- and most of the time I dont PURCHASE. However, if I decide to buy a particular product (after some comparison or direct instructions from my wife) then I'd PURCHASE Product(s).
Use Cases are not business requirements; however Use Cases are BEHAVIOURS between actors and systems (computer or business) that are governed my the Requirements.
Since usecases are disjointed, a user new to a site might not know the workflow to purchase an item. For this reason G and Kimbo many online purchase systems show/imply a workflow. A good example is Flightcentres with their implied "Search.Compare.Book" workflow (see ).
warm regards,
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