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New Post 7/2/2009 8:18 AM
User is offline Tony Markos
493 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: Functional and system level requirements 


I agree with David Wright: It all depends upon the conventions used in your company.  Another example: a function alternatively can be called objective, operation, process, task, action, activity, step, etc., etc.   

You can always find a solid agrument stating that, for example, a function means exactly X and a system means exactly Y.   The problem is that you can later discover a just-as-sound argument stating that a system means A and a function means Z. 

Often, what you will find is that the different opinions are based more on political considerations than logical.








New Post 7/2/2009 6:49 PM
User is offline KJ
243 posts
6th Level Poster

Re: Functional and system level requirements 
Modified By KJ  on 7/2/2009 8:50:52 PM)


as promised here is the second half.

You wrote “I joined as BA a week back and have been involved in this low budget 1month project. My supervisor gave me partially filled table, which has columns like requirement id, requirement category, functional level requirement, system level requirement, design id, test script id etc”
From the information provided it appears that your supervisor gave you a task to complete the RTVM (requirements traceability verification matrix). There is a lot of information on the net on requirement traceability matrixes ( eg, see sample p21.
Letting a new starter complete the RTVM is not such a bad idea after all. It gives you a good understanding of the requirements and the applications that support the requirements. The “clue” is you are required to enter/track ID numbers, which I presume you can find in Development/Design documents and the associated testing documents. Test script Ids could be for either User Acceptance Testing (UAT) or unit testing or systems testings. You may need to qualify these.
Lastly, check with your peers if this is a “standard” deliverable and what they normally do. ASK!
All the best.
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