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New Post 4/25/2009 4:02 PM
User is offline msondh
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anyone come across requirements based testing? 


I am a BA who has come across a testing methodology called Requirements Based Testing. Has anyone worked in an environment which uses Requirements Based Testing? I have a checked docs online and i have some understanding, however i have a few questions:

1. Are the testers/developers involved during the requirements stage in order to help make the requirement clear and easier to test/code (i.e. expected results?)

2. Can someone who has experience please provide me with a flow of how things work if using Requirements Based Testing, i am thinking it will flow something like this:

2.1 Requirements Gathering - BA/PM
2.2 Testers/developers/business review - Testers/developers to remove ambiguity
2.3 Update Requirements with feedback from above
2.4 Get sign off from the business
2.5 Handover to the developers to code
2.6 Handover to the testers once the BA as completed system testing.

Obviously there might be a few iterations of points 2.2 - 2.3

Any help appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

New Post 5/8/2009 7:35 AM
User is offline Craig Brown
560 posts
4th Level Poster

Re: anyone come across requirements based testing? 

What is the source of the concept?  A website you cn point to might help interpret your question.


My perspective is this;

All requirements should be written with the acceptance criteria and test cases in mind.  In fact, the cceptance criteria and test cases should ideally be written up at the same time as athe requirements.  Some RM tools enable this, but it's up to you to do the work.


BA: Wht's your requirement?

SME: I need to be able to know the date a letter was received

BA: So requirement = "Record and present receipt date"

SME: Yep

BA: So how do we know this is done sufficiently and corectly?

SME: I can see the date on the event history screen?

BA: Okay, immediately, or the following day?  What's the cost of a lag?

SME: The next day should be fine...

BA: Okay, What about format.  Any special needs?

SME: Well, we do publish a reply letter in some caes thanking them for their correspondence.  It usually prsents the date as DD MMM YY.

BA: Acceptancve criteria for this requirement are format = DD MMM YY and the date has to be viewable by the following day aftet the letter is received and stamped.etc.

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